Tupperware Studios

Throughout my career with Tupperware, I have worked in different departments like Marketing, Promotions, Finance, Operations and Strategy. All my previous positions helped prepare me to be a great analyst and to have a holistic view of the business.

For the last 6 years, I was assigned to lead and facilitate cross-functional teams working on realignment of the business model to support the company’s strategies in order to grow to the next level. In this project, I coordinated 11 Scrum Teams with a total of 33 team members working in parallel across sprints. This project required me to be involved with department leaders & the Executives to formulate SWOT analysis and perform Blue Ocean strategy, deciding what do we want to Retain, Refine, Radically Alter or Eliminate. I went through the entire project life cycle, from the initial strategy development through the execution and monitoring the results.

As part of this mega project, I had to build Tupperware Studio (showroom) across North America.  I started out working with an external architectural firm and the Executives to formulate the concept and strategy.  Collaboration and soft skills are two key ingredients for the success of the roll out and implementation of this project.  I worked closely with Sales Leaders and owners of Tupperware organizations in building out 40 Tupperware Studios across North America. Going from concept to roll out and monitoring the performance after Grand Opening for each of the Studio have been priceless experiences that helped me grow professionally as well as personally.  I never thought I would be able to add Sales skills to my tool kit.  In order to roll out this concept successfully, I needed to get the buy in from internal stakeholders as well as the external stakeholders who are the independent sales organizations who own and run the studios.  Although it involved endless hard work invested into this project, I wouldn’t trade it for any other assignment.  I enjoyed working on each of the studio which had led me to travel across North America and learn so much about different parts of this wonderful nation.

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